Manhattan Millet Cakes

Yield: 6 Servings (Serving Size 1 millet cake)

Serve these cakes hot, on a bed of mixed greens, topped with mustard, guacamole, and/or edamame hummus.

manhatten millet cakes on a bed of lettuce

Nutrition Facts
Amount Per Serving
Calories 252
Total Fat 10g
Saturated Fat 3g
Sodium 487mg
Total Carbohydrate 33g
Fiber 5g
Protein 9g
*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values my be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs:
  Calories 2,000 2,500
Total Fat Less than 65g 80g
   Sat. Fat Less than 20g 25g
Cholesterol Less than 300mg 300mg
Sodium Less than 2,400mg 2,400mg
Total Carbohydrate 300g 375g
Dietary Fiber 25g 30g
Calories per gram:
Fat 9 • Carbohydrate 4 • Protein 4

This recipe is from the Oldways 4-Week Vegetarian & Vegan Diet Menu Plan book.

Please email your favorite millet recipe to (pictures are welcomed)